Honest review of the 0.95 release

It's been just over a month since the release of Scum 0.95, and as server admins, we wanted to share our insights on this latest version. Our perspective differs slightly from that of regular players, given our exposure to aspects that might not concern the average gamer.

Let's kick things off with the less-than-stellar aspects to get them out of the way:

Firstly, the game's performance, plagued by bugs (which the developers have acknowledged and are working on), isn't welcoming for newcomers to the game. Playing a version that causes significant FPS drops, sometimes into single digits, can be disheartening for new and veteran players alike. Additionally, the reappearance of quirks from 0.4-0.5 releases, like desynced players momentarily floating above your head and a notable increase in vehicles falling through the map, contributes to a less-than-enjoyable experience. Loading hitches have become more severe, resulting in increased stuttering regardless of hardware. There's also a troubling surge in players losing items when moved inside containers, especially during transfers in and out of chests and wardrobes, reminiscent of issues in previous game versions.

We must note a purported performance uplift in the "bad news" section. It seems this improvement is tied to suppressing NPC characters across the map, mostly by deactivating bunkers. Any deviation from default settings leads to familiar rubber banding and desync issues, making game performance seemingly dependent on arbitrary NPC reductions rather than genuine optimization for higher player counts. We are aware that several adjustments have been made to alleviate server load by managing certain processes on the client's side. However, it is probable that these factors are contributing to the reintroduction of the bugs mentioned earlier.

The base-building element's health and damage rebalance feels rushed and inadequate. For instance, barbed wire retains its pre-0.95 HP, sometimes almost the same as upgraded walls. The base HP values seem mismatched against available explosives in the game, further complicated by some explosives, like RPGs, frequently causing no damage. This makes raiding via explosives a challenging endeavor.

Now, shifting to a positive note, here's some good news:

The return of the Rager (pick-up truck) in 0.95 is a welcome addition. While its removal for months was a disappointment, its comeback is appreciated. We're still eagerly anticipating the return of ATVs, motorcycles and craftable rafts, hopefully in upcoming updates.

Hordes and puppet behavior enhancements are noteworthy. Puppets are now genuinely problematic to players, adding an immersive layer to the game. Their ability to open doors and vault through windows is fantastic, even though there's room for polishing the horde system.

To improve player retention, the addition of the codex is commendable. It provides a wealth of information and shows evident effort in helping new players understand the game – a big thumbs up for this.

The introduction of the Scar is a positive move. The gun finds its place in the game seamlessly, offering a satisfying look and feel. It would be great to see less obvious weapons added, such as Uzis, and older firearms like the STG44 as well AVS-36, and PPSh-41 for Russian players nostalgia.

In summary:

While this game version has its positives and continues progressing towards a final product, it seems to have brought more problems than solutions. Hopefully, upcoming hotfixes will address these issues, undoubtedly improving player sentiment toward 0.95.