Exile Servers Settings for Scum 0.9v

Let's begin by discussing what the upcoming 0.9V update will entail. As you may have already guessed, the map, bases, and all player inventory items will be completely reset. Additionally, players' personal balances will also be wiped clean. After our first month of tweaking and testing, we've decided to ensure more consistency moving forward. To achieve this, we believe it's best to have everyone start from scratch, creating a level playing field for all. Hence, all player balances will be reset to zero, ensuring a fresh start for everyone, these include:

  • TEC 1 Points
  • Cash
  • Gold
  • Fame points
  • League Standings
  • On a positive note, it also means welcome packs will also be reset.

There will also be a 7 day period of no raiding after the wipe.

Raiding & Fame Balancing

There’s been a lot of confusion about where we stand on balancing raiding for this next update, mainly because Chris has the communication skills of a fucking Darlic. So, let’s start with the biggest misconception, LOCK PICKING WILL NOT BE REMOVED. The restraints on lock picking are as follows:

Players will be able to buy dial locks from the trader for $2500, which is damn cheap, this will mean that players will be more likely to encounter dial locks on base doors when they are raiding.

How will this change raiding? Ok, as well as the trader price change, players will receive a lot less fame within the game (used for unlocking dial locks), meaning players will either have to play a lot longer and gain fame to unlock these locks or….wait for it….use explosives. That’s what it’s all about really, we just want a shift in focus from lock picking to explosives, that doesn’t mean lock picking is banned or can’t be done anymore.

There is a huge problem in Scum, we call them sever tourists. These are players that go from server to server finding a few screw drivers and empty peoples bases and in turn, the server. We understand people love to raid and people like to lock pick, that’s fine, but you are not just going to join our server to grief its players and then leave. Sorry, not happening anymore, we’re sick of it, so are other server owners. No player should be able to destroy something that took weeks to build in a matter of minutes, it’s not the players fault that they find it easy to do, it’s the games fault for allowing the imbalance. Rant over.

In short, here’s what’s changing:

  • The fame multiplier will be reduced to 25% of the vanilla value, meaning it will take 4 times longer to gain fame.
  • Your fame will not be affected by PvP, you die or kill someone, your fame will not move.
  • BCU Locks will be removed (Buggy shite).
  • We will introduce a fame bank for lock picking non base doors locks.

What the fuck is a fame bank?! I’m glad you asked. The fame bank is where all your fame will go to when you are lock picking anything that is not a base door, the reason for this is that players may put dial locks on all their cupboards and there is no way anyone will have enough to open them after they have spent their time gaining access to the base itself.

So, we will add the fame lost from lock picking anything thats is not a base door to the fame bank, if you run out of fame, go to Discord, check your balance, and click re-add fame. Done. Now you can keep opening the cupboards. Fame lost when opening base doors will not be added to the fame bank.

You will also only recieve fame back for fame lost to dial locks.

Base Building

Troy walls are prohibited - This is nothing new by now, but troy walls will remain banned on the server. Any found will be destroyed.

Prefab building – We have been requesting that the developers remove the ability to build around prefabs, whether they do remove these is another thing, so we will create our own no build zones at these locations (around 9 in total), if we miss any, you will still not be allowed to build there. This will become a rule. You can still lock prefabs and barricade the windows, but any lock pickers unlocking these door WILL receive fame to their fame bank for fame used to unlock your doors.

Destroying stairs – Hopefully you know this by now, you cannot destroy stairs to make loot inaccessible to a raider, however there are complex versions of this. Some players build “stair shafts” with a bridge from one tower to another, but the tower that has the loot can still be accessed via explosives meaning it is accessible. In this case, you can destroy the stairs. Any question about this jump into general chat on Discord or create a ticket.

Change to number of elements – You will start off by having 500 elements to use for your base, but with base extension packs you can increase this to 650. This will be a change from the previous max value of 800.

Exile League

We want people to be more involved in the league, we noticed soon after it start certain players began to pull away due to the vast amount of PvP and lock picking they were doing, To involve players more we are going to nerf the points for these activities so more people have a chance of actually competing. We are also adding additional activities that give points.

July's winner was TysonFire, congratulation to him, by now most of you will know him as this.