A guide to the fame bank

In this article, we will explain the purpose and usage of the fame bank. The fame bank allows players to reclaim lost fame when they unlock dial locks that are not on base doors. With the ability to claim back your fame, unlocking dial locks on wardrobes, chests, vehicles, or prefab buildings, it will effectively cost you zero fame. Whenever you spend fame to unlock non-base door locks, the same amount of fame is sent to the fame bank. If, during a raid, you run out of fame, you can simply go to Discord and redeem the fame from your fame bank to continue raiding.

Here is a list of items that you will get your fame back for if they have dial locks on them:

Gun Racks
All Vehicles
Prefab Buildings

You will not get any fame back for any locks that are on base doors, we strongly advise you use explosives to gain access to player bases.

How to claim fame back

Reclaiming your fame is a simple process. Go to the #check-balances channel and click the button to check your balance. You will then receive a DM in your Discord inbox, which will contain a button at the bottom of the message to reclaim your fame. Once clicked, within a matter of a few seconds, your in-game fame will be adjusted. It's as simple as that.

Why are you doing this? 

This method is aimed at balancing the game. On our server, players receive only 50% of the fame they would normally get. This prevents players from quickly farming enough fame to raid a base. However, we still encourage raiding and stealing from each other. The key is that any raid should require the same effort as the player being raided put into building their base and collecting loot. We want to avoid situations where someone can enter the server, gather a small amount of fame, find a screwdriver, and completely ruin another player's gameplay while they are offline. Such imbalanced actions, regardless of attempted justifications, are not what we aim for.

Does this make screwdrivers useless?

Absolutely not, some players will still have conventional locks on their containers and maybe even doors, screwdriver lock picking is still required in killboxes, abandoned bunkers, weapon lockers and cargo drops.