A different way of base building for 0.9

Ok, at the time of writing this article, RPGs are easy to come by in the new abandoned bunkers, they deal far too much damage and the modular base elements health values are kind of broken and ill thought out. Basically, base building and raiding is not balanced, making people conclude that building a base is more hassle than its worth. Well, ok, I agree, as it stands now building a base how you want to build it doesn't generally work, because players like to make big towers and spend all the resources building high. What if I told you there’s another way, and in fact possibly a better way to build bases.

Before you dismiss this as just an admin trying to appease the disgruntled player base with a stupid idea, just spend a moment and try to open your mind to a new way of thinking about bases and the way that you construct them. We have spent a lot of time looking at the ways some of our players have been building and we would like to take the best parts of what we have seen and roll them into one base design. We also spent alot of time testing everything we are talking about.

Here we go, below you will see an aerial show of a base I built to try and demonstrate how you can still make it extremely difficult for players to raid you, even with many rockets. The base is split into compartments, in this case there are 4 compartments, you can make more, it’s up to you. Each compartment has a small modular base 1x1 platform size, which is wrapped by old base elements, in our example here there are 4 layers wrapping each module, in total 5 layers each, this excludes any surrounding walls. Each module therefore takes 35 rockets to penetrate. 35 rockets multiplied by 4 compartments is 140 rockets to raid, this excludes any outer walls. The base show below will take approx. 150-160 rockets to raid, it’s a small example of what can be done, you can add more layer and more compartments, in theory you easily could make a base that takes more than 300 rockets to raid.

One last thing, the limit on Exile for base elements is 750, the base shown here, is 450 only! It is important however that the loot is spread evenly across each of the modules for this concept to work properly. Realistically, this base would probably require a squad of 4+ player to build.

To summarize, raiders will have to raid this base 4 time over to truly finish the job, even if you get half raided, you can easily recover from that.