A Guide for Base defence

We've compiled a concise guide offering straightforward advice on safeguarding your base against raiders.

Building Considerations

It is important for new players to understand that tier 1 and tier 2 wooden base elements offer very little protection and they must be upgraded to at least tier 3 (metal) elements as soon as possible.

You must not design your base with the intention of removing your stairs when you log off, this is against the rules, if a raider is not able to access your loot due to you removing your stairs, admins will destroy your flag and allow the raider to build their own flag.

Clusters of 1/4 meter and 1/2 meter wall elements commonly knows as Troy walls are forbidden.


First off, make sure you have upgraded your doors to give you the maximum amount of lock slots and lock defence, then we would suggest that the combination you most of your locks are 1 x Gold lock + 2 x Dial Locks for each door and may be a few with 3 x Gold Locks and 2 x Tier 3 lock defenders (make sure to keep them charged). We also recommend BCU locks for your outer doors. If you do choose to use BCU locks on your doors, we recommend that you do not jump out of your base to defend it.

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It is also worth considering having multiple spare locks in your base so that you can replace locks that are being taken off by the raiders from the other side of the door, halting their progress.

Mines & Traps

Do not under estimate the effectiveness of using traps around your base, traps can be extremely annoying when raiding a base if they are well placed and there is enough of them. If you are crafting your own mines, make sure they the squad member crafting them has the highest demolition skill possible, if the person crafting the mine has a low demolition skill then the mine will be easier to defuse. So, choose your trap locations wisely and ensure skilled craftsmanship for maximum impact during potential raids.

Raid Alerts

You can sign up for Discord alerts on the Exile Server to receive notifications when players attempt to lockpick your base or when foes meet their demise in your traps. These valuable alerts are accessible to all squad members, allowing everyone to stay informed. To avail of this service, you can use TEC 1 points for the subscription payment.

Shooting vantage points

Make sure you have the means to defend your base effectively in case hostile players attempt to raid it. One effective strategy is to incorporate external facing roofing panels onto your roof, allowing you to shoot at opposing players while remaining protected. Additionally, consider using windowed base walls and angling external walls strategically. This will create vantage points that enable you to take shots at the raiders without giving them an opportunity to breach your defences. See the images below.

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Defending against off line raiding

When you go offline always ensure that you wall off your doors where possible, this can be with tier 1 wooden panels as it will force a raider to resort to using a grenade or something similar rather than just being able to lock pick their way into you base. If you do not take this precaution then it is technically possible for some to get all your loot for almost free of charge while you are not logged in to defend it.